Friday, March 22, 2013

Ryback: Could Meatless Meals Work For Him?

Posted by Unknown on 8:07 AM with No comments
By Rob Sutter

Feed me more is the quote of the immensely popular Ryback, who is slated to be one of World Wrestling Entertainment's biggest draws. His level of intensity is one that can't be argued and I think people have taken to his arsenal of moves, each of them with high levels of impact. Ryback is certainly going to be a main eventer going forward but one has to consider his diet. Meatless meals may not be favored by him at first but he'll see the benefits in time.

Most casual wrestling fans may not know that the man behind the Ryback character has actually been around for a good amount of time. Ryan Reeves made his first TV appearance on "Tough Enough" during 2004 and, to say the least, he could eat about the same as a large mammal. There does not seem to be a meal that's too big for him to finish off or protein shakes that can't be consumed. It's clear that he's not someone who's shy about his appetite, where meat seems to be a mainstay.

Ryback's regimen probably includes a large amount of meat and there are reasons behind it. As a large man who seems to have muscles upon his muscles, he's going to need to eat a lot in order to support his massive frame. He's a wrestler, and thereby athletic, which means that the large amounts of food are practically necessary for him. Meat is going to satiate him for the long run but what happens if an absence of it causes him to think outside of the box?

Meatless meals may be able to help people in wrestling because of how filling and nutritious they can prove themselves to be. Ryback is one of those people who make the most use out of these ideal alternatives as well. If there is something even remotely related to meat, he's going to eat it and the substitute, in this case, doesn't have nearly as much cholesterol as your typical animal products. It's another reason for Ryback to check out authorities on the matter like Quorn.

When you have an athlete sitting at a dinner table, it's common that they're going to eat more than anyone else and Ryback is no exception. He can easily clean off plates upon plates of food and this is something that can be compared to the rate of an entire family. Ryback has a diet that is hard to fulfill and meat is one of those items which you would expect to be commonplace. Meatless meals are less so but that doesn't them any less useful.

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