Louis Vuitton handbag (or purse) is a leading international brand handbag. The first Vuitton franchise store was opened in the mid 19th century. After the opening of the first franchise store, it became even better known among the customers. Many people purchase the Vuitton handbag because of the professional handcraft.
Louis Vuitton handbags can be purchased from the online store ELuxury. The handbags are usually sold in limited quantities. If the retailer has a huge inventory of the same handbags, there is a high possibility that they are selling fake handbags.
The handles of the Vuitton purses are never wrapped in bubble wrap. If the handles are wrapped in bubble or plastic wrap, it is not a genuine Louis Vuitton handbag.
Louis Vuitton purse cost a few hundred dollars. If the price tag of the handbag is too cheap, you should avoid buying it.
The Vuitton purse comes with a date code and serial number. Some fake Louis Vuitton purse will simply print a serial number and label it with a model number. If you see the word model number, it is a fake and you should not buy it. The date code consists of 4 digits. The first two digits are the manufacturing year and the last two digits are the manufacturing date. The first two digits must not be lesser than 80. The last 2 digits must not be higher than 31.
Louis Vuitton purses are handcrafted professionally. The logo of the handbag is symmetrical. The stitching on a Vuitton handbag is even and regular. The stitches have the same sizes. The handbags have the same number of stitches on several locations such as the leather tab that attach the handle. Some of the signs of a fake Vuitton handbag are asymmetrical logo and a seam beneath the bag.
All said and done, Carryall comes across as an ideal bag for a number of applications. One of these is as a sports bag - where the bag can be particularly ideal. Second is as an ordinary 'weekend bag' - you know, the sort you go shopping with (of course for light shopping). Even for travelling, especially where you are 'travelling light,' Carryall could be a good bag too. It is a bag into which you can fit all the kit a lady needs, yet still look stylish when straddling with it under your arm.
Louis Vuitton handbags can be purchased from the online store ELuxury. The handbags are usually sold in limited quantities. If the retailer has a huge inventory of the same handbags, there is a high possibility that they are selling fake handbags.
The handles of the Vuitton purses are never wrapped in bubble wrap. If the handles are wrapped in bubble or plastic wrap, it is not a genuine Louis Vuitton handbag.
Louis Vuitton purse cost a few hundred dollars. If the price tag of the handbag is too cheap, you should avoid buying it.
The Vuitton purse comes with a date code and serial number. Some fake Louis Vuitton purse will simply print a serial number and label it with a model number. If you see the word model number, it is a fake and you should not buy it. The date code consists of 4 digits. The first two digits are the manufacturing year and the last two digits are the manufacturing date. The first two digits must not be lesser than 80. The last 2 digits must not be higher than 31.
Louis Vuitton purses are handcrafted professionally. The logo of the handbag is symmetrical. The stitching on a Vuitton handbag is even and regular. The stitches have the same sizes. The handbags have the same number of stitches on several locations such as the leather tab that attach the handle. Some of the signs of a fake Vuitton handbag are asymmetrical logo and a seam beneath the bag.
All said and done, Carryall comes across as an ideal bag for a number of applications. One of these is as a sports bag - where the bag can be particularly ideal. Second is as an ordinary 'weekend bag' - you know, the sort you go shopping with (of course for light shopping). Even for travelling, especially where you are 'travelling light,' Carryall could be a good bag too. It is a bag into which you can fit all the kit a lady needs, yet still look stylish when straddling with it under your arm.
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